Deprecated TPT-Support Center  

We have switched our support to SolvNetPlus – a Synopsys-wide unified solution for all products. Please do not create new tickets! Old tickets can still be viewed here. 

How to get access to SolveNetPlus?

A SolveNetPlus account is required to access SolveNetPlus. All TPT users can create a SolveNetPlus account free of charge.

To create your personal account, please visit the SolveNetPlus homepage and click on “Need help signing in?” under the login dialog and then on “Create Account” .

In less than 1 minute you can complete your registration in 4 easy steps. Please note a Site Number (Site ID) is required. The Site ID is a number of your company's location and can be found, for example, in the header of your license file. If you do not know your Site Number, you can also request it from us by email. We try to provide the Site Number information within a maximum of 3 working days.

Please include your name and company address in the email.

Link to SolvNetPlus